Phundex Latest Release Announced – October 2022

Phundex Latest Release Announced

Making your business better – Phundex delivers additional platform functionality, enhanced Pathways and more comprehensive Helpdesk content

St Helier (October , 2022) – Phundex Limited and Phundex UK Ltd  Phundex is pleased to announce a significant release, in line with the product roadmap of regular enhancements planned for 2022. We focus on client-driven design and functionality.  Regular feedback and requests from clients have shaped the enhancements delivered in this latest release.  “We started on this release in June and extended our regular monthly release cycle to be able to provide a increased functional enhancements to our clients”, said Heather-Anne Hubbell, CEO of Phundex. “We are very happy to be solving challenges raised by our clients over the past 12 months.”

Phundex helps you to streamline and simplify administration and transaction management in a centralized hub, dramatically reducing time, complexity and costs through better connectivity and collaboration.

Phundex designed by people with years of experience in the business of finance.  They know the needs and the pain points you want to be solved.

Platform Enhancements platform enhancements in this release include:

Sharing a document link – you can now share a “Published” document with anyone by using the pop-up box in the data room and entering the name and email address of the person you want to send the document to.  Our audit trail tracks who has been sent the document and when they’ve accessed it. 

Temporary users– in addition to your usual subscription plan, you are now able to add individual temporary user licenses on a monthly or annual basis.  You can set up as many temporary usernames in your Network but limit the number who can access your Pathways at any one time.  This allows you to add Team Members for short term transactions, or on a rolling access basis, helping you keep costs down while enjoying the collaboration benefits of the central hub and workflow. If you are interested in Temporary users, please contact who will be happy to help you set this up. In subsequent releases we will add this as a self-service function, like the current Plan options selection.

Changing User access – in addition to adding new Temporary users, you can also change existing users to Temporary users and back again.  You can also activate and deactivate any users access to your Network, giving you full control over who and how users access your Network

Copying Tasks with completed documents and forms – you can copy Tasks with data and documents to other Stages and Pathway – but now you can decide if you want to copy the original blank forms and documents or the completed ones.  We give you an alert so you don’t unintendedly copy completed data that shouldn’t be shared. 

Recurring Tasks – you can now create tasks on a recuring basis, and Phundex will automatically email your Team Members to remind them the Task is due on the frequency you choose, whether monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually.

Changing completed Tasks – Managers and Admins can now move a completed Task status back to the “to-do” status, edit and reassign it.  Previously only the Team Member who was assigned the Task could uncheck the completed box and do more work on the Task. 

Time zones – users can now add the time zones where they work, enabling log-on and activation refreshes on a rolling end-of-day basis.  This ensures that if temporary users are timed out rather than logging out, the system will log them out at the end of the day, freeing up that temporary license for another user.

Minor user experience enhancements Guest Tasks – when you send a Guest a Task, and they save it, the Task will now automatically be marked as complete.  This triggers an email alert for the next dependent Task to the relevant Team Member.

Pathway filtering – the default view for your Pathways is now active Pathways.  You can still filter and search for inactive Pathways, but like Stages and Tasks, you won’t see them in the default view.

Email message on Task Assignment – we’ve cleaned up a minor bug where the name of the Pathway for a Task wasn’t on the email message to alert a Team Member about a new Task.

Retaining documents and data forms when you change a Task – if you create a Task with a document or data form and later decide to remove the form or document, the system will now retain the document in the data room, so it is still available for use.

Pathway Enhancements We have reviewed all of our Pathways, updated the Pathway Template documentation and enhanced several Pathways.  We have also added more templated documents to existing Pathways and some new Pathways, including: ·

  • Data Protection Checklist
  • Data Sharing & Subject Access Checklist
  • Human Resources Department Requirements Checklist
  • HR Onboarding
  • HR Offboarding


HelpDesk and FAQ’s Enhancements

The Phundex Platform includes an online HelpDesk, with handy tips, videos, FAQ’s and details about each of our Pathways.  We have updated our solution articles, adding more detailed information, screenshots, video help and documents to download.  The HelpDesk includes all resource material from our website and a chat feature to request more bespoke information or ask about additional features.

“Phundex is the platform for faster, more efficient financial management, getting you to market sooner”.

“Prioritizing steps and repeating transactions without missing out steps can be extremely labour intensive,” observes Phundex founder Heather-Anne Hubbell, a former lawyer and banker who has worked extensively in the banking and finance industry.  “Phundex enables efficient prioritization and the ability to replicate steps and transactions, simplifying the process and providing transparency and better governance”.

We’ve included more detailed Release Notes here: Phundex Latest Release Notes – October 2022 – Phundex

Phundex Delivers Additional Platform Functionality, Enhanced Pathways and More Comprehensive Helpdesk Content | Financial IT

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