Save time and effort with customised processes for Incubators, Innovation Hubs & Start-ups

Coordinating start-ups, mentors, advisors and more.

Perfect for: Incubators, Innovation Hubs, Accelerators and Start-Ups

Standardised and streamlined processes

Clear processes with specific task and document requirements defined make it easy for users to follow and reduces bottlenecks.

Faster administration and status reporting

Data and documents captured at each step of the process, reducing operational risk and ensuring data and documents are available when required.

Improved Coordination across stakeholders

Real-time collaboration across all stakeholders in central hub eliminates missed or crossed emails and provides a central tracking area to monitor progress.

Key Features for Incubators, Innovation Hubs & Start-ups

Fully customisable pathways

Select from one of our template pathways or build one of your own. You can add or remove tasks, attach document and data requirements, and assign tasks and due dates to team members. Templates and documents can be stored in related data rooms for easier coordination. You define user access and permissions to ensure access is granted to the right information required when needed.

User-specific, interactive dashboards

Each user sees their own status dashboards giving increased visibility and more meaningful status reporting. See at a glance your overall task completion status, including outstanding tasks and due dates as well information about related data rooms, or on the progress on specific tasks assigned to your team.

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